HEET Is Awarded Putnam Foundation Grant

February 17, 2014

We are grateful to the Putnam Foundation and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation for their generous support to HEET to help us with our upcoming programs focusing on community engagement in cutting our fossil fuel use and energy bills. As always, we look forward to working with you and all our community members on this important mission in 2014!This year’s funding will support nonprofits in their efforts to go solar through an energy efficiency competition.  In addition, the Putnam Foundation will support HEET in tracking and reporting on natural gas leaks in our community.  It is estimated that there are at least 12,000 natural gas leaks across Massachusetts which is both a hazard and a waste of our tax payer’s dollars, not to also mention the climate destabilizing factor of methane gas.The Putnam Foundation and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation has supported HEET kindly for several years now.  They are our heroes.  Thank you, Putnam!Note: New Hampshire Charitable Foundation serves communities throughout New Hampshire, southeastern Maine and eastern Vermont. The Foundation manages a growing collection of charitable funds created by individuals, families and corporations, and awards more than $30 million annually in grants and scholarships. The Charitable Foundation is nonpartisan, frequently playing the role of convener and catalyst on a broad spectrum of issues. Based in Concord, the Charitable Foundation roots itself in the communities through regional advisory boards.